Food of Love. There is nothing who can beat this romantic recipes that will surely help couples to get in the mood in Valentines Day. Aphrodisiac is a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire.
The search for sexy foods is an ancient pursuit, and aphrodisiacs come in so many natural forms. For centuries, people have sought out aphrodisiac foods to help increase fertility and sexual desire. Now, you can reap the rewards of all that research. Spice up a romantic dinner with delicious appetizers, entrees, and desserts that not only please the palate, but trigger feel-good chemicals that can spike your mood and enhance your bedroom performance. (And, just in case you needed any more reason to indulge, chocolate is considered a popular aphrodisiac.We've rounded up recipes (some seriously indulgent and others on the lighter side) considered sexy for their suggestive shape, texture, or color. Regardless of your diet these days, if you're on the prowl for a delicious love potion, these aphrodisiac-filled romantic recipes will get you in the mood.
The search for sexy foods is an ancient pursuit, and aphrodisiacs come in so many natural forms. For centuries, people have sought out aphrodisiac foods to help increase fertility and sexual desire. Now, you can reap the rewards of all that research. Spice up a romantic dinner with delicious appetizers, entrees, and desserts that not only please the palate, but trigger feel-good chemicals that can spike your mood and enhance your bedroom performance. (And, just in case you needed any more reason to indulge, chocolate is considered a popular aphrodisiac.We've rounded up recipes (some seriously indulgent and others on the lighter side) considered sexy for their suggestive shape, texture, or color. Regardless of your diet these days, if you're on the prowl for a delicious love potion, these aphrodisiac-filled romantic recipes will get you in the mood.

Total Time: 80 Minutes
16 Ingredients

Total Time: 55 Minutes
Serves 3
10 Ingredients

Total Time: Less than 15 Minutes 6 Ingredients Makes 4

Total Time: Less Than 1 Hour
10 Ingredients
Serves 2
Total Time: 60 Minutes
Makes 9
8 Ingredients

Total Time: 55 Minutes
15 Ingredients
Total Time: Less Than 30 Minutes
Serves 2
7 Ingredients
Total Time: Less Than 30 Minutes
Makes 2
12 Ingredients

Total Time: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Serves 8
13 Ingredients

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